Laser therapy 


Miltatherapy is a technology combining several physico-energetic agents, cold laser, chromotherapeutic LED light and a magnetic field. This therapy was originally developed by medical-scientific research teams specialising in aerospace medical research. This innovative technology is based on interactions between living tissue and low-intensity photons and infrared technology.

It easily complements other therapies, and is fast, painless and effective. Its main properties are analgesic, anti-inflammatory, restorative, healing and immunostimulant..

In practice, the Milta has several accessories to emit its light with exceptional properties. The therapist can either use a large panel to cover a fairly large area completely, or use a 'head' in the shape of a shower head to target a specific area, or use a pencil to stimulate a very specific point such as an acupuncture point.

The Milta panel and shower head are both equipped with a magnetic tunnel embedded in the device. The tunnel not only enhances the effect of the light emitted, but also generates a magnetic field that acts as a lymphatic drain, helping to eliminate toxins. Finally, the device also uses a physical phenomenon to recreate light that is more biologically adapted to our bodies, such as the light waves emitted by the sun.

The main indications

 - Tendonitis and tendinopathy

- Healing problems and tissue regeneration

- Liver detoxification

- Burns

- algodystrophy, pseudarthrosis and delayed consolidation

- General pain treatment

Milta device