

In a few words, naturopathy works to support the immune system, take care of vital energy, improve lifestyle hygiene and manage health capital.

As well as being effective in prevention through its action on lifestyle and daily well-being, naturopathy is also a marvellous health advisor and an indisputable ally in the fight against chronic and degenerative diseases.

Inspired by ancient Greek, Chinese and Ayurvedic medical traditions, naturopathy is a synthesis of several natural disciplines (aromatherapy, phytotherapy, nutritherapy, etc.). It seeks to maintain and improve health while promoting quality of life.

This holistic approach sees the patient as a player in his or her own health. In fact, naturopathy argues that the body can spontaneously defend and heal itself using its own vital energy. The naturopath's actions are aimed primarily at activating, nourishing and strengthening the body's natural self-healing mechanisms rather than eliminating symptoms (which are merely the consequences of organic dysfunctions!). And this is done with the agreement and active participation of the patient, who is totally involved in the healing process!

In addition, the naturopath works on the physical, emotional, mental and energetic levels of the patient, since the illness is the result of a complex interaction between these different levels. He considers the patient as an individual and as a whole, taking into account his own terrain, constitution, history, hereditary background, etc.

It is therefore a personalised approach that always respects the five principles of naturopathy established by Hippocrates:

- First of all, do no harm: naturopathic treatments using natural remedies have no side effects and restore the body's equilibrium! The natural healing process should be encouraged, not hindered.

- Nature contains its own healing power: the body has the inherent ability to preserve health and to restore it when it has lost it. The role of the naturopath is to facilitate access to these forces by discovering and eliminating the obstacles that stand in the way.

- Discovering and treating the cause: the naturopath must look for the causes of the illness rather than trying to eliminate the symptoms. The natural balance can only be re-established by working on the causes at the root of the imbalance.

- Detoxify and purify the body: naturopathy strengthens the body's natural defences through a healthy lifestyle and diet. Through drainage, it encourages the elimination of humoral overload (blood, lymph, extra and intracellular fluids), food contamination and toxins. Through its action, it helps to improve the patient's condition.

- Teaching: naturopaths must teach their patients how to look after themselves and take charge of their own healing process.

Its preferred tools

- Diet or nutritional hygiene (nutitherapy, fasting, seasonal cures)

- Psychological and emotional support (stress and emotion management techniques, relaxation, positive thinking, restful sleep)

- Physical exercise or muscle strengthening (gentle gymnastics, yoga, stretching, pilates, dance, swimming) and breathing exercises

- Massage therapy

- Phytotherapy and gemmotherapy

- Aromatherapy

- Homeopathy

- Flower essences (Bach Flower Remedies and Californian flower essences)

- Vibratory techniques (chromotherapy)

- A focus on the environment (Feng Shui, geobiology)

Its applications

Among other things, it acts on stress, allergies, general tiredness, insomnia, eating disorders, dermatitis, circulatory and nervous disorders, digestive problems, painful joints and muscles, backache, depression, ENT problems, clogging and elimination diseases, sexual problems, problems with self-confidence and concentration, etc.